Teens 8-10% Leggings Block (Dance)
This is the NEW Teen's Leggings Block (8-10% negative ease). It comes in two different styles: the centre seam styled leggings (like jeans) and the gymnast styled leggings (like sleeves on a panty).
It's designed to be a stand alone block set or to be paired with our most popular block, the Teen's Leotard Block (Dance). You can use this block to create leggings patterns or catsuits.
This block set has been adapted for the rapid growth/height increase in teens already. Always take a complete set of measurements of your client/child so as to be able to adjust the block accordingly, if required ... a sizing chart is included on each page of the block set itself for comparison. There is no vertical negative ease so you can directly measure the blocks on the vertical for adjusting leg length.
This base block/sloper set contains 13 individual nested sizes (layered) in 2cm increments, to suit Fullest Hips 70-94cm, shaped for pre-Teens and Teens
This base block/sloper set contains 13 individual nested sizes in 2cm increments, to suit Fullest Hips 68-92cm, shaped for pre-Teens and Teens
Size Tables are included on each page of the blocks and in the images above)